October meeting

The Three Step Formula for Building an Author Platform – Fauzia Burke
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
6:30 pm on Zoom

Every author’s online platform is his or her biggest asset, and creating one is vitally important for your long-term success. However, there has never been more demands on an author’s time than today. In this session, you will learn which efforts are worth your time and which ones are a distraction. Whether you’re just starting out in your marketing efforts or ready to take it to the next level, this session will be the advice you need. You will learn through examples and case studies how to connect all the elements of online marketing (website, mailing list, blogging, social media, advertising and publicity) into a cohesive, successful and sustainable author platform.


September meeting

Beyond Milk Cartons and Stranger Danger: The Myths and Realities of Missing Children – Stacey Pearson
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
6:30 pm on Zoom

Crime fiction writing gives authors the freedom to bend and shift reality when weaving police procedures into their stories. Influential crime writers understand law enforcement protocols, why they exist, and how to manipulate them to keep their readers engaged. In this session focused on kidnappings and missing and abducted children, former law enforcement and public safety professional Stacey Pearson will discuss how fiction writers can use common myths and misconceptions about missing children to create authentic conflict in their stories. The session will cover waiting periods for reporting, Stranger Danger, AMBER Alert criteria, interrogations and Miranda warnings, FBI involvement, and more.


May meeting

Wednesday, May 12
06:30 PM on Zoom

Learn how to find your compelling message – THE MESSAGE OF YOU™ – and sell yourself to readers, booksellers, and librarians.

THE MESSAGE OF YOU begins with a simple belief – that your greatest speech already exists and that it has already been delivered in front of a live audience masterfully and powerfully by you. Best-selling author and international comic, Judy Carter sets out to prove that THE MESSAGE OF YOU is in the advice you give to your friends; in the lessons you teach your children; in the stories you tell your family. It’s expressed through the volunteer work you do, the way you run your business, the way you turned your messes into successes. THE MESSAGE OF YOU is a distillation of all of your experiences, both personal and professional, that form the narrative meaning of your life.


April meeting

Author Idol
Wednesday, April 14
07:00 PM on Zoom

Send in the first two pages of your double-spaced manuscript with your name removed as an attachment for a chance to have your words read aloud by a professional reader and critiqued by our panel of agents:

Lori Galvin, Aevitas Creative
Paula Munier, Talcott Notch
Michelle Richter, Fuse Literary

Doug Jacobs will read until two of the three agents indicate that they would stop reading, after which the agents will discuss their reaction to the pages.


March meeting

Forensic Anthropology – Sean Tallman
Wednesday, March 10
06:30 PM on Zoom

Come to our next monthly meeting to hear Sean Tallman discuss the field of forensic anthropology, peppering his presentation with his experiences in the field and research projects.

Sean Tallman (he/him/his) is a biological anthropologist specializing in forensic anthropology, human skeletal biology, and forensic archaeology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, M.A. from the State University Of New York, Binghamton, and B.A. from the University of Washington. Sean has held positions of forensic anthropologist, osteologist, archaeologist, and consultant in various contexts.

In particular, he served as a forensic anthropologist with the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command’s Central Identification Laboratory (now the DPAA), where he contributed to the identification of numerous U.S. service members killed during past conflicts, and led archaeological recovery missions in France, Germany, Hawaii, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vietnam.

Sean is presently an assistant professor in the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Department of Anthropology, and in the Program in Archaeology at Boston University. In the Program in Forensic Anthropology, he heads the Forensic and Bioanthropology Group (https://www.bumc.bu.edu/gms/forensic-anthropology/fablab/), where he teaches and advises students in human osteology, biological anthropology method and theory, bioarchaeology, and forensic anthropology. Additionally, he is a Registered Professional Archaeologist, Fellow in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, scientific recovery expert/senior archaeologist with SNA international, and a forensic anthropologist with the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT IX).

His research interests include sex and ancestry estimation, skeletal variability, population-specific biological profile methods, secular change, diversity and inclusion in forensic anthropology, critical race theory, and issues of human identification. He has published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Science International, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, and Forensic Magazine and he serves on the editorial board for Forensic Anthropology and American Anthropologist. He can be followed on Twitter at @FabLabBU.

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